If the Choux Fits – Star bakers (Rachael, Sarrah, Prekesh, Emilie, Emisa)

This week in Sweet Indulgence was all about chop. Students had to make a  batch of cream puffs using the same recipe and then differentiate by accuracy and presentation techniques. Doris Chan the students teacher made an amazing croque-en-bouche to show how to elevate the product to high class bakery standard

The standard of final results was the best so far form the entire class and Ms Leung found it really difficult to choose her favorite, but went for the students who had put the most detail into the plating. Well done to Rachael, Sarrah, Prekesh, Emilie, Emisa who won the star baker award

Sweet Indulgence – Positive Pastries

This week in sweet Indulgence, the studenst worked in 4 teams in a large scale production challenge to make a batch of tarts or pastry products to sell to teachers and students, to raise money for the Mural club to buy paints to jazz up school environment. There was a selection of large and small  bakewell, treacle and coconut tarts and apple galettes and the sales raised $800 to put towards paint for the Mural club.

Halloween Cupcake wars – Star bakers (Barbie, Halle, Sarrah and Rachael)

Sweet indulgence does Cupcake wars for Halloween and the atmosphere could have been cut with a knife, as students worked on their scary creations. All the students had to make 6 cupcakes that showed skills, creativity and consistency and we even goit Y13 BTEC Hospitality and Business students in to judge. The top three cupcakes and thewir maker werte awarded star baker and this went to;

  1. Rachael for her eyes ball cupcakes, which showed so many skills learnt in previous weeks and great favour ands texture combo.
  2. Sarrah for her amazing handmade purple flowers and other decorations
  3. Barbie and Halle for their  Candy corn, inspired cupcakes. Candy corn is American confectionery given out for trick or treaters (so I learnt today)


Just Chilling – Star bakers (Halle, Barbie Emilie)

Sweet indulgence today were making chilled desserts and we ahd huger variety of panna cotta’s and cheesecakes. This was a challenge of presentation and styling and the Halle, Barbie Emilie were awarded Star baker for being the creative and innovative with their designs.

Sweet Indulgence v Complete Deelitre – Star bakers (Sarrah, Nicole Yash, Emisa, Emilie)

Today Sweet Indulgence Elemenst5 visited Complete Deelite in Central, to partake in the Mochi and Cupcake decorating workshop. This was as fun and challneging as ever an dthe workshop leaders decided that Sarrah, Nicole Yash, Emisa, and Emilie, showed the greatest range of skills, were the most creative and neatest and therefore are this weeks Star Bakers

Ex-food students visit the Elements and BTEC lessons

Today was a great day in the food department as 4 members of the Island School Alumni, decided to come and visit.

Claudia Lau, who left last year, came to demonstrate her favourite cookie recipes to the Sweet Indulgence Elements class, seeing as it was biscuits week

Nitin Hranandani (class of 2015) and Natalie Chan (class of 2014), showed off their culinary skills they developed whilst at university and on work placemnt at 3 Michelin starred restaurants. They were joined by Alvin Koo (class of 2015),  who visited the new Y12 BTEC Hospitality class and will be returning next week to speak to the Y13 Hospitality students, about his role as an event manager, whilst on work placement in New York.



Sweet Indulgence week 1 – Confectionary (Star bakers, Nihaal, Yash, Farhaan and Kingsley)

In the 1st lesson of Sweet Indulgence Elements this terms, the students were put in small teams and were told they were goinbg to develop products for their theoretical  bakery/cake shop. they will be designing logo’s, website, instagram pages, promo videos and much more, over the next term and bit.

In this week students were given a recipe to make a confectionery product and then also made a chocolate, that could be sold on the counter in their bakery.  Well done to Nihaal, Yash, Farhaan and Kingsley , who more perfect honeycomb/cinder toffee and shiny filled chocolates.

Choux pastry week – Star bakers Joanne and Priya

Chous pastry week in sweet indulgence always proves one of the biggest challenges for the students to master the process of making the tricky pastry adn then making sure their chosen products achieves the perfect puff. There was a lot of profiteroles and produced , with different fillings and garnishes, and this weeks star bakers were decided upon because of their approach to the task and because they deiced to work independently. Priya made a mini Croque-en-bouche which she garnished with white chocaolate butterflies that she had made at home and Joanne made mouthwatering eclairs which could have been sold a French patisserie

Puff pastry Week – Star Baker Riya Zaveri

Sweet Indulgence this week focused on every baker favourite standard component, Puff pastry. this cgave students the opportunity tpo be creative with croissants, apple roses and danish pastries and much more. Riya was awarded Star baker, for her professionally presented raspberry cream Millle Feuille, which woukld have been a great dessert a French restaurant

Sweet Indigence @ Complete Deelite – Star Baker Theresa Knight

In todays Sweet Indulgnec lesson the class took a trip to Complete Deelite to do and cupcake icing and mochi making workshop. The class was really inactive with student watching and volunteering to assist in the demonstrations and then getting to decorate their own cupcakes and then make their own filled mochi. This was an enjoyable challenge for the students who were striving to use all the techniques they had been shown. The instructor decided that Theresa,had by far and away decorated her cupcake the best and was awarded Star Baker!