Some great Album art coming on in year 8
Post to share this work by Lorenzo in 8w. It just one example of some excellent photoshop work coming out of the years 8’s at the moment. I really like what Lorenzo has developed in terms of the text typography for his work and that is one-off the reasons to feature it here. Next week will be the final week of this project so more of these outcomes will follow.
Speed dating app pitches
here the mobile apps students are pitching their app ideas to each other in a speed dating forum. Each student pitch was 2 minutes long during which time they had to communicate the problem the app tries to address and answer any questions they were asked. The purpose of the exercise was to try and recruit people to their team which will lead to prototyping the app.
The noise was extreme and the energy good!!
Year 8 Digital Literacy Logos Work
The unit on Logos Year 8’s do is part of their Media Literacy awareness in Digital literacy. We spend a number of weeks developing skills with vector graphics software before deconstructing logos and how they communicate. We work on typography, colour and shape before anlaysing a brief and developing ideas for that brief. Below are some of the best outcomes from this unit across the year. Well done all those whose work is featured.
Yr 8 Photoshop Skills Rock Star Project
This is an exemplar piece of work by Jamie Lam in 8D. She has developed a love for design and photoshop. She has been spending hours researching the tool and has documented her process over and beyond. Her end result is original and creative; this has been a excellent model for your classmates. You are all set for the IE Award Jamie. Great Job. Mrs Burrough
Year 8 Digital Citizenship Infographics
This year we tried a new way of addressing aspects of Digital Literacy with Year 8’s and asked them to research a topic and present their understanding in the form of an infographic. The students used a tool called Canva to help them with this task. There were many good examples coming out from the students. Here are a few…please click to see larger images of the work.
Year 7 Visual Communication Work
The Year 7’s have been working their way through a unit of visual communication in ICT. They organise their various outcomes form the unit on pictochart. One objective for this unit was to try and apply the principles of good visual design and set out the learning outcomes on the pictochart according to these principles. The following are examples of good work by a number of students and serve as exemplars of how to use this tool to show learning. PLease click to see larger versions of the images.
Photoshop Album Art Work from Year 8
A part of their Digital Literacy course in Year 8 students explore Photoshop and in particular are asked to create a piece of album art in the style of a particular music genre such as punk, rock, reggae, classical, RnB, disco etc. Students research the genre and try to draw out the codes and conventions of the graphics that align with that genre. Part of the creative brief is that they have to include an image of themselves in the design somewhere but it is up to them to what extent they appear. Here are just some of the results from this year’s work which have been picked because of their attention to detail, reflection of the intended genre and imaginative use of the designers own image..
Christmas Creativity in ICT
Just before we stopped for the Christmas break students in various classes got the chance to have a bit of seasonal fun and apply their creativity to the theme of Christmas. A few minutes later and some nice motifs for cards, wrapping paper etc emerged. Here are just a few of what was produced. Enjoy!
Year 8 ICT Logo Work
The Year 8’s have been working hard this term developing skills with vector graphics. They use Adobe Illustrator and combine some self directed study with open ended project work to towards developing a logo for a food or drink concept. Below is a selection of the outcomes from across the year. Well done all the people whose work is featured here!!