In this week’s Lord’s Kitchen lesson we looked at Escoffier and the Mother Sauces. This all time great in the culinary world coined the mother sauces in the earky 1900’s and they are still the basis of ant commis chefs training.

We started with Hollandaise Sauce and the pupils were shown how to make Eggs Benedct, before the were asked to recreate the dish. Then Pupils were shown how to mate the other 4 sauces, (Tomate, Espangol, Veloute and Bechimal) with pupils then making a range of dishes to accompany the sauce. We had mnany delights on offer, with Macaroni cheese and other pasta dishes to steak with mushroom sauce, Rabbit Leg with mustard Veloute and Herb Crusted Rack of Lamb with Espangol.

Very impressed, proud and full students.

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