Bakers of the Week Gallery
- August 25, 2016 Chris Lord
Week one in Sweet Indulgence and students were given a recipe to follow to that showed different methods of making confectionery. The results were great and gave the example of how sweets can be of all different textures and levels of sweetness. Star baker went to Natasha Want and Flora Chen who made lovely, light and fluffy Marshmallow
Panna Cotta presentation challenge – Star bakers: Nelly, Emma and Elena
May 19, 2016 Chris LordIn this weeks Sweet Indulgence I made panna cotta and a selection of coulis and other item that the students could then be creative with in designing a stylish plate to present their dessert. The Star bakers had a eye for detail and were all very different. So well done Nelly, Emma and Elena
Choux Pastry Week – Star baker Paige Willis
May 12, 2016 Chris LordThis week was probably the hardest yet, with the choux pastry challenge and the results varied in success. Some students got a better a puff into their pastries than others, but there were some amazing profiteroles and eclairs made. Star baker goes to Paige Willis though as her profiteroles were creative with raspberry ream and raspberry floured white chocolate coating, as well as being all perfectly uniform.
Lords Kitchen – Tasty Video. Chef of the Week Natalie Leung (10W)
May 11, 2016 Chris LordThis week Lords kitchen were filming their videos to be submitted to tasty and the Lords kitchen youtube channel. There was I great range of videos being made, and I cannot wait to share them, but Natalie was given Chef of the week for her skillful and creative Rainbow Cupcakes
Pies and tarts – Star Bakers Wai Lam Yau and Rohan Khemchandani
May 6, 2016 Chris LordShortcrust pastry was the starting point for the students this week and after flipping the classroom the students could plan to make any pie or batch of tarts. The standard was high as usual, but this week the star baker awards went to Wai lam for her amazing fruit tarts with home made creme patisserie, as she worked so methodically to them and to Rohan for his determination to get his chocolate gnache tarts made to look all uniform.