List of ingredients available in school here.


Your team is planning to open a new restaurant called Early Bird. This is a breakfast-themed restaurant, which specialises in healthy breakfast dishes that are served throughout the day.

Your challenge is to make a healthy signature dish in 2 versions: 1 version uses traditional protein and the 2nd version alternative protein sources



Your team is planning to open a new restaurant called Night Owl. This is a late night dinner themed restaurant, which specialises in late night healthy snacks that are served throughout the day.

Your challenge is to make a healthy signature dishes in 2 versions: 1 version uses traditional protein and the 2nd version alternative protein sources.



Your team is planning to open a new company called Party parrot. This is a catering company that specialises putting on children’s parties and serving healthy versions of children party foods.

Your challenge is to make a healthy signature dishes in 2 versions: 1 version uses traditional protein and the 2nd version alternative protein sources.


Blackbird Bakery

Your team is planning to open a new restaurant called Blackbird Bakery. This is a restaurant, which specialises in baked goods that are served throughout the day.

Your challenge is to make a healthy signature dishes in 2 versions: 1 version uses traditional protein and the 2nd version alternative protein sources. 



Your team is planning to open a new restaurant called Midday Magpie. This is a lunch restaurant, which specialises in healthy lunchtime meals for busy office works

Your challenge is to make one healthy signature dishes in 2 versions: 1 version uses traditional protein and the 2nd version alternative protein sources.



Your team is planning to open a new restaurant called Cafe Canary. This is a coffee shop, which specialises in healthy drinks and snacks that are served throughout the day.

Your challenge is to make one healthy signature dishes in 2 versions: 1 version uses traditional protein and the 2nd version alternative protein sources. 


Importance of Uniform

If the work clothes of the workers of a specific company or an organization match, then there is a sense of unity which builds up between them. Uniforms also represent team spirit and help customers recognize staff.  They also act as protection and as a way of re-enforcing brand identity.


Using your group’s black or white as the base plus 2 others that have been agreed on by your group design and make 2 uniform items which reflect your company’s image and corporate theme.

  • The uniform design must match the logo design and reflect the restaurant’s theme
  • The uniform must protect as well clearly identify the person wearing it
  • Use some aspect of CAD CAM in the manufacturing

Your materials:

T-shirt in either black or white plus fabric in a variety of colours       Sublimation Printer        CAM Software


Importance of the App

Apps are a feature of everyday life in the modern world.  As a way of engaging potential and existing customers a company might develop an app as a way of advertising and informing – it may even allow people to book tables.


Design and make a prototype app that customers can use to understand the restaurant decor, menu, book a table and see offers.  It must:

  1. Use existing imagery to convey the inside of the restaurant
  2. The imagery must match the type of restaurant being design for
  3. Present the signature dish
  4. Present a menu layout
  5. Have a form for booking a table
  6. Have a special offer section
  7. Be easy to navigate

Your materials: how to 




The Importance of Visual Identity

Every company and product is identified by its graphic identity.  The basis of this is the company or product logo.  This needs to be original, simple and clear and designed on software that allows it to be scaled up on a variety of products – uniforms, buildings, lorries, packaging etc.


Design a logo using suitable graphics software that will identify your restaurant and make it stand out from the other groups.   The logo is to be used on the uniform and promotional poster.  The logo must:

  • Reflect the identity of the restaurant simply,  clearly and imaginatively
  • Use a maximum of 2 colours plus black and/or white
  • Be applied to an example of the poster
  • Be available for use by the uniform group and the app designers

In addition, produce a poster to promote the alternative protein benefits and invites customers to a free taste test.

The Importance of the Interactive Display

Windows are an ideal place to attract the attention of passers-by.   They encourage people to look inside the place and to ask about whether they want to go in.


Design and make a prototype display that activates automatically that will attract potential customers and potentially give them some incentive to come inside.  The display should

  • Attract attention
  • Use control systems in its design to start and stop on a signal, stimulus or input

Your materials:




Coloured paper

Copper wire

LED Programmable lighting







Laser cutter

Disc Sander

Hand tools

Craft Knives


Double sided tape


Part of the judging will be about how you present your work.  In order to get the best marks here, you will need to show aspects of the process you have gone through in an effective display.  When you layout your display consider:

  • What will you show?  This could be the initial ideas, the developed idea, images of people designing and making and the final outcomes.
  • How are you placing the display items on the display board?  Are you using the principle of alignment? Are you giving them sufficient white space?  Are you grouping things appropriately?

See original at

  • Can we clearly see from your display board the identity of your group’s restaurant?   Is there a large version of the logo to help the judges identify it? Have you used the restaurant’s colour scheme?
  • Is the signature dish poster presented?  

The key here is to create a coherent display.  Throughout the morning you should be collecting and preparing the display items you will use to show the process and the outcomes off well.


Good Luck!!